// Providing





Claimstream helps insurers streamline the claims process to reduce internal risk and overhead.

// About Us

Experience the benefits of a partnered approach.

Claimstream functions as an external claims partner which assumes the responsibility, management, execution and costs of running your Large Loss Commercial Recoveries Portfolio. We do this in partnership and collaboration with your business in full transparency, oversight and reporting over the decisions made by our specialised legal professionals. By assuming the entirety of the litigation cost, including adverse cost orders, this effectively frees up reserves ordinarily allocated to litigation activity and the risk of adverse outcomes.

Claimstream’s unique approach to commercial litigation and recoveries, allows you to reduce your staff and operational costs, whilst retaining control and oversight of your claims activity. With no direct costs to you, we allocate our highly specialised legal professionals to your business. Our services can be scaled to allow our legal professionals to be deeply integrated into your operational structure and reporting lines. A unique partnered approach with our specialised legal professionals provides superior outcomes which positively impact recovery ratios, freeing up reserves while also reducing operational spend.  

// Our Services


Claimstream is a partnered claims management service which entirely replaces your existing internal litigation recoveries function. This includes all elements of administration, management and human resourcing. We do this at no cost to you…


ClaimStream administers the day-to-day operation of the litigation portfolio. This includes interaction with solicitors, witnesses, experts, and brokers (upon instruction). The scale of our involvement is entirely determined by you and can range from complete administration to a partial integration.


ClaimStream bears the entirety of the costs associated with legal spend inclusive of counsel fees and expert witness costs and all other ancillary charges related to litigation. Furthermore, in the unlikely event of an unfavorable outcome, ClaimStream will bear any adverse cost orders.


ClaimStream provides bespoke litigation reporting specific to your requirements. This includes regular reporting on key metrics, interactions, and other matters of interest throughout the management of the litigated claim. With end-to-end reporting, you will have complete and transparent insight into our management of your litigation portfolio.

// Why Claimstream?

Tailored End to End Approach.

Benefit from decreased operational costs, whilst increasing available capital and improving recovery returns. Claimstream retains a small portion of the any recovery, this is limited to insured losses, thereby having no impact on the customer outcome.


Decrease Operational Costs

Claimstream reduces and in some cases eliminates the operational and staffing costs within the litigation, claims and/or recovery segments of your operation, without significantly impacting staff or headcount within those units. We absorb the costs of part or all of your staff costs whilst you retain key members of staff within your business operation and reporting lines. Simply you retain the benefit without the cost.


Increase Available Capital

Claimstream eliminates the need for insurers to place reserves on litigated claims to cater for the cost of litigation activity or the risk of an adverse outcome. Claimstream operates a sophisticated funding model allowing it to underwrite and indemnify the insurer from all legal expenses and adverse litigation cost orders.


Increase Recovery Returns

Claimstream works with best in class legal personnel and law firms to deliver superior outcomes on all commercial recovery claims. Claimstream works collaboratively with each stakeholder, sharing insights and industry leading advice in the conduct of the litigation whilst ensuring the insurer retains control and reporting of the litigation activity.

// At no direct cost to you, through Claimstream you can:

Positively impact
recovery ratios

Free up

Reduce Operational

// What’s Next

How To Get Started?

Step 1
Portfolio Analysis

Claimstream will assess your Commercial Large Loss Recoveries portfolio under NDA in order to assess existing risk in the current portfolio’s operation.

Step 2
Development of Tailored Partnership Model

We will work with you to develop a unique and tailored partnership model which establishes all of Claimstream’s roles and functions within your portfolio.

Step 3
Delivery of Service Proposal

Our proposal will outline the way in which we will work with you, our deployment plan and the costs associated with our service.

Step 4
Proof of Concept

Once we have negotiated the way in which we will integrate into your business, we will begin deploying the necessary resources to service your portfolio’s obligations.

Step 5
Report on the Results

Claimstream will compile a detailed insights report giving you a comprehensive understanding of the proof of concept and the benefits derived from the exercise.

Step 6
Detailed Proposal

Once we have completed the proof of concept, we will work with you to provide you with a detailed proposal on how Claimstream can integrate into your wider business and service your needs.

Step 1
Portfolio Analysis

Claimstream will assess your Commercial Large Loss Recoveries portfolio under NDA in order to assess existing risk in the current portfolio’s operation.

Step 3
Delivery of Service Proposal

Our proposal will outline the way in which we will work with you, our deployment plan and the costs associated with our service.

Step 5
Report on the Results

Claimstream will assess your Commercial Large Loss Recoveries portfolio under NDA in order to assess existing risk in the current portfolio’s operation.


Step 2
Development of Tailored Partnership Model

We will work with you to develop a unique and tailored partnership model which establishes all of Claimstream’s roles and functions within your portfolio.

Step 4
Proof of Concept

Once we have negotiated the way in which we will integrate into your business, we will begin deploying the necessary resources to service your portfolio’s obligations.

Step 6
Detailed Proposal

Once we have completed the proof of concept, we will work with you to provide you with a detailed proposal on how Claimstream can integrate into your wider business and service your needs.

Partner Approach

We understand that the claims management process is unique to each insurer. In implementing Claimstream within your operations, we take an individualised approach to aligning our interests in order to work with you in partnership with the ultimate aim of positively impacting recovery ratios, freeing up reserves while also reducing operational spend.

// Get In Touch

Our Contact Details

Thank you for your interest in Claimstream. Whatever your enquiry, please reach out via email or phone call and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

0411 012 254


Suite 1 Level 4/107 Phillip Street,
Parramatta NSW 2150

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